
Charlemont Federated Church office is covered weekdays (Tues/Wed/Thurs,) by telephone at 413.339.4294 (and checked remotely during off hours). Feel free to share general news and non-urgent matters via the church admin’s general emailemail (general information). You are encouraged to call the pastor directly with any urgent matter.

Postal Mail:
Charlemont Federated Church
PO Box 248
Charlemont, MA 01339
note: the physical address (not for mailing) is: 175 Main Street, Charlemont, MA 01339

Charlemont Federated Church Contacts:

 Rev. Dr. Janet Adair Hansen, Interim Minister
We are delighted to welcome Janet! The Rev. Dr. Janet Adair Hansen is our Interim Minister helping us through a transition to a settled minister. We welcome Janet’s many gifts and are grateful to be worshiping with her and having her guide us on this journey.

Interim Minister: Dr. Janet Adair Hansen
Please call the main telephone number to reach the minister to update her with any urgent matter or email her with information or requests of a less urgent nature.

Minister of Music: Esther Haskell
Chair of Deacons: Tinky Weisblat (2024)
Calendar Keeper: Linda Reynolds
Office administrator: Katelyn Marshall
general email:


CFC Ministries & Projects:

  • Pastoral Care – Clare Pearson, chair
  • Buildings & Grounds – Deborah Porter, chair
  • Missions & Outreach – Budge Litchfield, chair
  • Christian Education- Linda Comstock, chair
  • Music & Worship – Esther Haskell, chair
  • Good Neighbors – Budge & Sheila Litchfield, chair(s)
  • Rose Dixwell Music Fund – Esther Haskell, chair

Friends of Charlemont Federated Church: