Ministry Organization

Charlemont Federated Church Ministry Organization

The work of the Church is accomplished by five Ministries with the support and guidance of the Diaconate (deacons) as needed.

The Ministries are:

  • Building and Grounds
  • Worship and Music
  • Outreach and Missions
  • Christian Education
  • Pastoral Care

Members of the congregation support the ministries with time and talent and funds. The Ministries are composed of people called forth from the congregation and set apart to their tasks by the Holy Spirit and by their own devotion to the work of this Church.

The purpose of the Ministries is to organize the Church membership to assure accomplishment of the work of the Church by means that celebrate the spiritual and practical benefits in working together for ourselves, for our Church, and for our community.

Members are encouraged to seek alliance with the Ministries as seems comfortable with interests and skills.

The Diaconate is charged with promoting balance among the Ministries to ensure all essential areas are addressed, all voices heard, and no burden unshared. Communication is essential among the Ministries and with the congregation to help our Church reach our goals and purposes.